My name is Ricardo Pacheco, and I am Democrat running for the assembly district 34 seat representing Jackson Heights and Elmhurst.  Some of you may know me, some of you may only have heard of me, and others may have no idea who I am, or what I represent. Allow me to introduce myself to you all.  I am, 

  • An immigrant who came to this country with nothing, and I have worked to achieve a better life for myself, and my family.

  • A product of the NYC Public School system

  • Proud U.S. Marine Corps Veteran

  • A retired NYPD Sergeant 

  • A proud single parent of one, and grandfather of three

  • A homeowner, and resident of Jackson Heights for some 20+ years 

  • A previous independent small business owner/operator in Jackson Heights

  • Former PTA President at Intermediate School 145

  • President of my co-op board for 7 years 

  • President of the SELFHELP/NORC Advisory Board 

  • President of the Jackson Heights Co-Ops Alliance

  • Served as Vice President of the Gay Officers Action League (GOAL) 

    Bringing Experience, Dedication, and Unity to District 34

    As a proud member of the vibrant communities of Jackson Heights and Elmhurst, Ricardo Pacheco embodies the spirit of diversity and perseverance that defines our district.

Get to know your candidate.

About Pacheco


Ricardo Pacheco:

Bringing Experience, Dedication, and Unity to District 34

As a proud member of the vibrant communities of Jackson Heights and Elmhurst, Ricardo Pacheco embodies the spirit of diversity and perseverance that defines our district.

A Journey of Determination:

Born in Nicaragua in 1965, Ricardo's mother sought a better life in New York, leaving Ricardo and his sister in the care of friends until their joyful reunion in 1978. Growing up in humble beginnings, Ricardo learned the value of hard work from a young age. While attending Hillcrest High School, he juggled academics with odd jobs to support his family.

Recognizing the financial barriers to higher education, Ricardo enlisted in the United States Marine Corps after graduation. Serving his country proudly, he married his high school sweetheart and welcomed a daughter. Despite the challenges of military life, Ricardo treasures the lessons learned and the lifelong friendships forged.

Service to Community:

Upon returning to New York, Ricardo embarked on a journey of education and service. From his tenure as a security guard at Merrill Lynch to his role at The College Board, Ricardo's commitment to learning and growth never wavered. Inspired by his experiences, he pursued degrees in journalism and forensic psychology while awaiting his call to serve with the New York City Police Department.

In 1993, Ricardo's dream was realized when he joined the NYPD. Assigned to the 73rd Precinct, he navigated the demands of law enforcement while balancing the responsibilities of single parenthood. Ricardo's dedication to his daughter mirrored the sacrifices made by his own mother, instilling in him a deep sense of empathy and compassion.

A Champion for Change:

Retiring from the NYPD in 2016, Ricardo remained active in his community, serving as President of his co-op board and advocating for cooperative initiatives. From organizing neighborhood events to leading discussions on community development, Ricardo's commitment to unity and inclusivity shone through.

As President of the Jackson Heights Coops Alliance, Ricardo prioritized collaboration and transparency, empowering residents to have their voices heard. His dedication to amplifying community concerns extends to his involvement with the PTA and the SELFHELP/NORC Advisory Board, where he advocates for educational equity and senior support services.

One of Us, For All of Us:

Ricardo's journey from immigrant to public servant is a testament to his unwavering determination and steadfast commitment to community. With Ricardo Pacheco as our representative, we can trust that our voices will be heard, our concerns addressed, and our community strengthened.